
Difficult Conversations training for receptionists

In our experience of running Coaching for Health training one of the most popular parts of the course is on challenging skills. This includes techniques for managing difficult conversations with patients and clients, while maintaining rapport and still enabling the practitioner to convey the critical message they need to get across.

A number of our past participants from GP surgeries have been telling us that they have been training their receptionists in these same challenging skills, as it helps create a consistent approach, and it also helps manage difficult situations.

Hence, in 2017, we ran a series of Difficult Conversation courses, for receptionists from across Ealing (in partnership with Ealing CCG). Elements of the course have already been run at practice manager forums, and for the entire team at a GP surgery in Greenford, with positive results.

The course included models to help receptionists understand the dynamics in the conversations, along with a toolkit for both managing themselves and the conversation when things get difficult, and for preventing it whenever possible. The two half days were two weeks apart to enable practice and reflection, before coming back on day two. For more information on the course, please get in touch.

Feedback from participants:
“I am very grateful to have this course.”

“Given me a bit more confidence in dealing with difficult conversations with patients and speaking to people in general.”

“Improved relationship with my patients and colleagues.”


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