
Haringey, Islington and Camden CEPN

In 2018, Osca was originally commissioned to deliver two Coaching for Health two day trainings to integrated teams across the three boroughs. The courses themselves were filled within days of advertising and an additional course had to be organised for the waiting list. In addition, the programme makes provision for ongoing learning events (both half day refreshers and evening reflection sessions) to support ongoing embedding of the skills.

Both health and social care professionals received the training, and based on the recommendation of the participants from Camden, their adult social care team developed a major health coaching programme with Osca which began in the summer 2019. In addition, the Camden CEPN commissioned an additional four Coaching for Health two half day programmes for their integrated neighbourhood teams, one in each of Camden’s four neighbourhoods which ran from 2019 into 2020.

Feedback from participants:
“I feel more calm in consultations as I don’t feel that I need to rush and cram in everything to one consultation. We just focus on what is important to them which helps with better compliance.”
– Dietician, Camden

This has been so useful and has reduced my stress levels when dealing with patients who I have found challenging.”
– Physiotherapist, Camden

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